Monday, March 10, 2014

Why Facebook Went for Basic Over Bold
After a year of waiting, you're finally getting a new News Feed -- except that it's not at all like the one you were originally promised.

Thursday, Facebook started rolling out an "updated" look to the desktop version of News Feed. The changes, announced with little fanfare in a blog post, amount to larger pictures and new fonts, and 

they represent a distinct about-face from the bigger, bolder News Feed that the social network unveiled with pomp and circumstance last year.

 That version, however, turned out to be too complex for the average person and was never doled out to the masses.

News Feed Product Manager Greg Marra, to find out why the company decided to backtrack from its original vision. 

Though Marra managed to dodge most of our tough questions, he was able to shed some light on the social network's newfound appreciation for the simpler things in News Feed.

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