Saturday, March 8, 2014

According to ComScore Apple is Still the Top Smartphone Vendor
The folks at comScore have released their latest report for the month ending January 2014, and the report presents almost a similar picture as the last one, but with one twist.

 Apple and Samsung gains mobile subscribers and stays on number one and two on the top smartphone vendors, while the third and fourth spot is captured by LG and Motorola, respectively.

Apple smartphone subscriber’s percentage rose from 40.6 percent in October 2013 to 41.6 percent in January. Samsung also saw a rise of 1.3 percent to 26.7 percent. LG remained somewhat the same with a positive point change of 0.3 percent, but Motorola saw a decline in the market, with 6.4 percent share.

As far as the operating systems are concerned, android is still the supreme mobile OS with a market share of 51.7 percent while Apple saw a minor increase of 1 point change.

 The bad news here is for Blackberry users which has declined to 3.1 percent in Jan 2014, making it lose its quarterly spot to Windows Phone which stayed the same.

What’s interesting is that all mobile operating systems saw a decrease with iOS being the only one that saw a one percent increase in the market.

Which device do you use?

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