Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Facebook Messaging Brings New Gimmicks


Mobile messaging has emphasized the use of different Facebook App.

 In the next few weeks, Facebook instant messaging feature will be removed from the smartphone app.
According to authorities, none of the messages exchanged through Facebook - you can also vary the Facebook Messenger App (new) to be installed.

Britain, France and iscandiva countries have taken the first step. The United States to other countries around the world have started the process.

Standalone Facebook Messenger for messaging instead, users can use the new one messenger. No issues specific to the new Messenger app group messaging exchange can be.

Facebook founder Mark Zukarbark said in this regard, the current Facebook messaging process is a second -class (second class) method, which creates a different time complexity. The new process is a new experience for users.

This app will not launch the Standalone Facebook Messenger use. None of the messages through Facebook Messenger, exchange can take place.

Facebook officials said Peter Martina zee, resulting in new processes faster than ever exchanged messages - can provide.
20 times faster speed than the previous one.

Besides being fast, pictures, voice transfer. If you want to convey through the photo, you will have a bit of a symbol for the corresponding (Facebook Plans Mega) .

Initially, many of such change can be stunned or surprised, especially those who are using Facebook App less than complete facilities are using the handset.

Like the wind of change that it is not just Facebook, but did not update Windows XP, Microsoft has made ​​in the last week.

Facebook to switch to the new customers two weeks to give notice of the time.

Message from the IM user in the new exchange are also to be known.

As a result of the use of the messaging app seems to be much higher than before the authorities.

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