Saturday, April 5, 2014

Before Buy a iPhone Please See Future iPhone

 Perhaps the next version of the iPhone, the iPhone 6 is coming September.

 Both models have a screen of 5.7 inches by 4.7 inches each other. London has DotCo  DotUK Metro, the iPhone will be the next version of the most slim in other smartphone’s .

After recently leaked iPhone model designer to sketch what the next iPhone will have to start with the various rumors. 

Magazine from Japan published the Mac is starting rumors about the iPhone 6. The media spread of the images.

 Japanese Mac blog says Mac Otakara expresses the same information technology Mash able Journalist site.

The company did not disclose the name of job creation in the iPhone Taiwan told Metro, the iPhone 6 - to 10- megapixel camera.  

The iPhone 5 and 5 S - is the 8 megapixel camera.

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