Wednesday, April 2, 2014

After April 8 Windows XP Microsoft 's Liability Will Not

Microsoft and Windows XP - not on. So the security malfunction, software updates, and any other technical issues, the company will not update.
 The information is important, from April 8 Windows XP will no longer do any of the security authorities.  

So from the time it can increase the chances of malware attacks. Although many people still use Windows XP includes personal and business organizations.

Microsoft has already warned that they will soon close supervision XP. But Cloud Services Providers involve IP survey of the views, information - technology, policy, one of every five people who do not know about the XP send.

Institutions in thirteen years older than the 15 percent of Americans are using this operating system. So small - large sectors of their computers before April 8 to Windows other than Windows XP as well.

So XP user’s computers from 8 April to become the world’s great hackers. Without it involve IP’s head of technology, said Scott kinaka , since the time of trouble, and XP users cannot get any assistance from them .  

Each using the XP computer will become easier each potential malware attacks.

Meanwhile, Windows 7, even millions of people are like XP. 

After updating to Windows 7’s research efforts by hackers. With Windows 7’s XP that have common issues with hackers will be unveiled to the hackers from beginning to end.

For XP users, Google Chrome users, 2015 of them in April. Mozilla Firefox will run their browser in Windows XP until April of 2016.

Many XP users already suffers from various problems. 

The new operating system is coming, they are more complex and tortuous. So with all these new features to the software ecosystem need to be introduced in California, VMware’s director Victor thaw think.

While Windows 7 is the latest version, but it’s safe to say that until now many people think.

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