Monday, March 31, 2014

Sony Digital Paper Tablet
Sony's 13.3-inch pad uses a Kindle-style screen, lets you scribble on your documents, and will go on sale in May for $1,100.

Sony's Digital Paper slate will go on sale in May, and gives you the power to doodle on a Kindle-style electronic ink screen.

The only downside is the cost -- Sony's anointed its Wi-Fi-capable new toy with a suggested list price of $1,100 (around £660).

The wallet-shrivelling sum gets you a 13.3-inch slate, with a skinny frame that Sony says is about as thick as 30 sheets of paper.

The 1,200x1,600 dot-display can be used to display your documents, which can then be scrawled on using a special stylus.

The idea is that you'll load up your documents -- which are rendered in .pdf format -- then make your annotations on an easy-to-read screen.

When you're done you can save your notes, or share them with colleagues, who will no doubt be delighted to receive a document covered in your barely legible scrawl.

The idea seems to be a little like Google Docs crossed with Amazon's Kindle.

 It's certainly an interesting concept, but with such a steep price, it's likely to initially only interest high-flying business types who don't mind paying through the nose for a new kind of gadget.

Are you intrigued? Scribble your thoughts in the comments.

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