Sunday, March 2, 2014

Razer Game Booster Update Automatically

Gamers looking for an automatic way to save their gaming progress might be interested in the new updated which Razer has rolled out to their Razer Game Booster software. Which has brought with it a new option that lets you now save your progress safely in the cloud.

The new Razer Save Game Manager is compatible for games with local save files and supports fully automated backup of data for more than 2,000 gaming titles with new titles always being added by Razer developers. Watch the video after the jump to see it in action.

The Razer Game Booster Save Game Manager is currently still in its beta development stage so expect there to be a few teething problems as it develops into a full final release, but listed below are a list of the features you can expect to enjoy!

Game Booster: Boost your game and PC lifespan while keeping it in top shape.

-  Maximizes your system performance to give you higher frames per second, by automatically shutting off unnecessary processes and applications when you’re gaming, and resuming them when you’re done

-  Configures and optimizes your PC’s settings for peak gaming performance

-  Keeps your components up-to-date with the latest drivers, so you always get the best out of your system

-  Defrags your disks, prioritizing your game folders for faster loading and enhanced system efficiency for even smoother gameplay Save Game Manager: Never worry about losing a save game again.

-  Automatically backs up save game files onto your favorite cloud storage services whenever your progress is saved. After all, lost save games don’t respawn!

-  Keeps your game settings in the cloud, so you won’t have to memorize resolutions, anti-aliasing multipliers or anisotropic filtering definitions anymore

-  Syncs as many save game files as you want for safekeeping, free of charge Game Launcher: Experience enhanced PC gaming.

-  Catalogs and presents your entire library of games in a robust command center for easy access

-  Scans your PC to find your existing games, keeping your collection up-to-date without you lifting a finger Screen Capture Gallery: Immortalize your best gaming moments.

-  Captures your epic moments in HD with a customizable hot key

-  Records videos of any length without unwanted watermarks

-  Shares your game walkthroughs and winning streaks in just a few clicks, so you can show off to everyone on Facebook and YouTube

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