Thursday, March 6, 2014

Android Tablets Apple Has Followed iPad
Apple sold last year, Android tablets have increased 7 percent greater than 1. Gartner said in the survey agency.They said that Android tablet sales numbers in 2013 worldwide 120 decimal 9 million. 

Represented 8 percent of global market share has increased to 61. The 01 's - was on the number 53 represented 3 million in sales this year and had a market share of 45 percent of the decimal 8 .

 Meanwhile, Apple sold 61 million decimal 4 percent from the Bade has only 70 decimal 4. The tablet market share last year, 36 percent of the market declines of 5 percent of the decimal 8.

Survey Gartanara the obscure but small rate huge amount of supplements selling Android tablets increased due. 145 percent increase in sales of the tablet market is scattered. Stable market which has risen 31 percent.

Very fashionable and popular in the world 013 tablets became industry. With Excellent Esfasication low cost tablet has been sold at the Android tablets, said people in the Research Director Robert coza consumers.

Apple iPad, Samsung tablets have already spent. Overall, however, has been sold in 2013 Tablet 154 million decimal 4

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