Thursday, April 17, 2014

Money Transfer Service is Launched Facebook

Social media Facebook users can benefit from the money transfer so that the work of the Authority website.

 According to financial reports, under the banking facilities allows Facebook users to deposit money in their account and are able to interact with others. 

Facebook Authority has already discussed the matter with the Bank of Ireland Santral . Now they have to know that the bank is awaiting approval. 

Although the Central Bank of Ireland declined to comment on the matter.

In addition, they discussed with London three money transfer business. 

The three companies, transfer Technologies and azimo money. 

The three organizations have been working online and mobile money transfers. Facebook is a plan to introduce electronic money services.

Note that transferring money online the day the people are moving. Google in the next year, 

“Walton Money ' is going to turn in the money transfer facility. 

' PayPal ' name in 013 of the company has been able to transfer U.S. $ 17 billion. 

Similar to last month launched the Mobile Money Exchange Vodaphone Romania. 

Africa received the services they respond. They are now going to turn to the services of Western Europe sentala . 

In this regard, Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook said, “institutions are the main inspiration behind the mobile payment service was extended five S smart phone iPhone. 

These phones Finger print sensor transfers the money to the people of the trust is to be safe.

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