Thursday, June 12, 2014

TweetDeck Hacked !
TweetDeck temporarily shut down today after a "security issue" prompted strange pop-up messages and unintended retweets from users' Twitter accounts.

Users of the social media-managing program reported seeing pop-up messages that read, "Yo!" "Please, close now Tweetdeck, it's not safe," and "HACKED," among others.

 After first telling users to log out and then log back on, TweetDeck said it was temporarily disabling the service to assess the issue. It was back up and running about an hour later.

The attack reportedly affected many high-profile Twitter accounts including media outlets 
@NYTimes, @CBCNews and @BBCBreaking, which all inadvertently retweeted a jumble of code from a user named @derGeruhn. 

The glitch let hackers tweet computer code from other users' accounts.

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